It was no surprise to wake up yet again to a cloudy, rainy morning. It was a good day to just drive around and explore, do a little hiking, and snap a few photographs. I made another trip over to Vatersay and had a quick snack at the Vatersay Café, a lovely and popular spot that is part of the community center. There is nothing near this little café except the Vatersay Trail which winds along the machair. I was hoping to see the cows on the beach again, but they had another agenda today.
There are little hamlets all over Barra and I can only wonder what made people build their houses in those exact locations. Borve is one of those little villages and can be viewed from a gravel road that winds up into the hills behind another settlement called Baile na Creige. It was raining lightly when I hiked up the road so only got a few photos of the flowers along the side of the hill. As the sun began to make its descent, I went out again to a spot I had been planning to photograph all week. It would have been a perfect sunset location -BUT, once again the clouds rolled in. However, there was an abandoned school house in Baile na Creige that made for a perfect scene and thus all was not lost. Tomorrow is my last day on Barra before I return to Oban.