Making a Project Come to Life

Over the course of time we take many pictures that never see the light of day.  We keep them open our computers and on our phones but never have a physical representation of them.  There is something about looking at a printed photograph or seeing it framed.  At some point we decide we need to make a book or exhibition of our work.  This requires much thought and collaboration with experts in the field of editing, layout, publishing, etc.  Selecting photos to be used requires the aid of a good photo editor. Yes, there are certain photos that must be in your book because of the story you are trying to tell, but there are the other peripheral ones that you don’t always know how to select or how to pair with others.  Once you have a good selection of photos and you have written a good portion of your captions or essays to accompany the photos it’s time to engage a book designer to help you craft the look of the book.  Of course publishers may want to use their own designers but you need to at least have a prototype of what you want your book to look like.  Investing in a good designer is a must.  Engaging a good editor for your writing is also a plus.  Again, the publishers may have editors who will work on your book but you need to have the best script you can write before you submit it.  The process of bringing your vision to reality is long and sometimes frustrating – don’t give up!