After a night in the harbour town of Mallaig, I caught the 8:40 ferry to Armadale on the Isle of Skye. This is a short – 50 minute – ferry ride and on a small ferry (though I seem to recall the ferry was bigger during the summer). I couldn’t understand why they lined us up the way they did, facing away from the ferry ramp, until I realized we had to back down the ramp onto the ferry. Hmmm….I am not good at this backing up stuff but the ferry crew was very helpful! I spent a few hours walking around Portree, a lovely little town, and shopping, before heading up to my self-catering apartment. Another great find! This is a perfect place for a single person or couple. Tomorrow I drive up to Uig and make the trip over to the Outer Hebrides where I will conclude this trip. I can’t wait to be back in Uist and on Eriskay. It has consistently been in the mid-40’s here while at home it has been frigid!